DNA's Miss Aucéanie embodies the vision of excellence that we aspire to produce. Her remarkable attributes give her a privileged place in our breeding program.
Her advanced caliber fiber demonstrates superior density and character through subgroup organization. The abundance of shine and excellent micron uniformity (SD 3.2) make Aucéania's fiber as pleasant to the touch as it is to look at.
With the magnificent head inherited from her mother, DNA's Lady Adrénaline, and the strong frame of her father, Averegan's Magnus, Aucéania exhibits an excellent combination of traits. She displays a good size and robust limbs.
Although Aucéanie was not presented in competition during her first year due to the slightly late development of her fiber, her performances were excellent! Often in the shadow of Birchleaf Stand Elite, our other white female born in 2021 (8x Champion), Aucéanie still managed to collect a Reserve Champion title.
At the Alpaga Québec 2023 competition, in a class of 10 females, Aucéanie took 2nd position. First place went to Birchleaf Stand Elite, also White Reserve Champion at that competition, and the Champion was our TP Beauty of Legend.
Aucéanie's full brothers, DNA's Noble Atlantik and DNA's Noble Aucean Breeze, also won Champion titles, in the gray and fawn respectively.
As she begins her breeding career, we are more than impatients to discover Auceania's offspring! She is pregnant by A Wanted Man's Zephyr with a 2024 cria.
Prizes won
- [RC] White Reserve Champion, Rockton World Fair 2022
- [2nd] 2nd place, Rockton World Fair 2022
- [2nd] 2nd place, Alpaca Quebec 2023